Feel at Home at SAU

With more than 65 international students from 30 countries, we have a lot of experience in the international admissions process.

Your St. Ambrose experience starts here!

To apply for admission to St. Ambrose University, first please complete this online application (it's free!).

Scroll down to choose what type of student you are to get started.

Start your online application

Student Visa Information

If you plan to study in the United States, you will most likely require a student visa, which is either a category "F" visa or a category "J" visa.

You apply for a visa after you're accepted to SAU.

Learn about F-1 and J-1 Visas

You Are Welcome Here
Become an Ambrosian

We invite students of all backgrounds and faiths to study at St. 竞技宝app下载安装,并提供一个学术经验,帮助你丰富自己的生活和他人的生活.

Admission Requirements

Undergraduate Admission

Important Dates

  • June 1: All admission documents due for August admission.
  • November 1: All admission documents due for January admission.
Step 1

Learn more about us! What do you want to study? Where do you want to live? What excites you about being here? Our website is your window to St. Ambrose, so be sure to learn about academic programshousingstudent life, and our values!

Step 2

Send us your application materials:

  1. Application (no fee, completed online). 请注意,如果您没有社会安全号码,您可以将该字段留空.
  2. 你的平均成绩证明应该与你的官方国际成绩单一起寄出. Admitted students must have at least a 2.5 out of 4.0 CGPA. 如果我们不能评估你的成绩单,你可能需要一个外部机构来完成评估.
  3. Send us official copies of test scores, showing evidence of proficiency in English.
  4. Send us a scanned copy of your passport including photo page.
  5. Send a Declaration of Finances Form along with proof of funding via email.
Step 3

国际招生处会审核你的申请,并通知你我们的录取决定. 在这个时候,我们也会确认你获得的任何学术奖学金. This award is automatic. There is no need to apply for it.

Step 4

Congratulations! You have completed the admission process! 新生会收到一封欢迎邮件和一个包,其中包括I-20文件.

If you are accepted, visit our Accepted Students site!

Graduate International Admission

At St. Ambrose, 我们非常重视国际学生为研究生课堂带来的独特视角和新思维.

International students in our graduate programs 发现小班授课和注重教学有助于促进他们的学业成功. To use that very American phrase, it's a "win-win!"


Admissions Deadlines

  • 对于目前持有F-1签证的学生:入学截止日期由各个研究生院系设定. If the graduate department does not have an admission deadline, then applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.
  • For students without a current F-1 visa: June 1 for August admission; November 1 for January admission.
Step 1

Learn more about us! 需要F-1签证的国际学生有资格申请进入我们的任何全日制研究生课程(斜体标注的例外情况):

Step 2

Send us your application materials:

  1. Application for graduate admission. 请注意,如果您没有社会安全号码,您可以简单地将该字段留空.
  2. Evidence of your Grade Point Average. If you have completed undergraduate coursework in the US, we will need to see official transcripts from these institutions. 如果你的本科教育的任何部分是在美国以外进行的, 然后,我们还需要看到该课程的平均绩点(GPA)相当的证据. 这可能需要由外部来源进行评估(请参阅国际招生页面并滚动到底部查看外部评估联系列表). 对于那些对如何获得GPA当量有个人要求的学生, we will work with the graduate programs.
  3. Evidence of English proficiency.
  4. A copy of your passport including photo page.
  5. Complete the Declaration of Finance Form (on the Cost of Attending page) and return it to international@vacuumbeltsdirect.com with digital forms of proof of funding (e.g. bank statement/bank letter)
  6. Any further requirements of the graduate programs.
Step 3


两个办公室可能会与您联系,要求提供额外的文件, and both offices can assist with questions you may have.

Step 4

If you are accepted, 然后,国际学生服务中心将向您发送一份个性化的财务声明表格.

在这张表格上,确认你如何能够在这里资助一个完整的学年. Then, return this document to us with supporting financial documents, such as bank statements and letters of sponsorship.

Step 5

Congratulations! You have completed the admission process!

If you already have an F-1 visa, 您将收到一封欢迎邮件,说明您的SEVIS文件将如何从您当前的机构转移到我们这里.

If you do not have an F-1 visa, 你会收到一封欢迎信,里面有你的新I-20表格. This will be required for your visa interview.

Step 6

Visit our Accepted Students website! 在这里,您将找到有关签证申请的信息,以及如何为您的抵达做准备. Ambrose!

Transfer International Admission

如果你正在寻找一个好地方继续你的美国教育, 教育工作者重视与学生的接触,校园竞技宝app下载也乐于向国际学生学习, you've found the right place!

Transferring to St. 竞技宝app下载安装是一个简单的过程,无论是在本科或研究生水平. Follow these steps to begin your St. Ambrose experience!

Admissions Deadlines

对于本科转学生,录取决定是在滚动的基础上做出的. Of course, 越早申请越好,这样你就可以开始计划你的课程安排和搬家了!

For graduate transfer students, individual graduate programs may set admission deadline dates. 如果没有设定日期,那么申请也会在滚动的基础上进行审查.

Learn more about us! 这里有60多个本科专业,你很有可能在这里找到自己的研究领域. 我们也有一流的学生宿舍和非常活跃的校园生活. Check out information on academic programshousing, student life, and our values!

Send us your application materials:

  1. Application, for either undergraduate or graduate students.
  2. A copy of your transcripts from your current college or university. 如果你是从美国以外的学院或大学转学的, 你可能需要让外部机构对你的成绩单进行评估.
  3. TOEFL or IELTS test results. Please visit the English Language Proficiency Requirements page for current test scores.
  4. Copy of your passport including photo page.
  5. Declaration of Finances Form (on the Cost of Attending page) 
  6. 银行对账单(政府资助的学生应提交其资助机构的支持信,而不是银行对账单.)
Exchange International Admission

Get ready to change your life! A semester or year at St. Ambrose will open your mind, give you a new community of friends, and fill you with memories for a lifetime.

一定要好好考虑一下交换机会,因为这是一个很大的承诺. What excites you most about coming here? What are you most uncertain about? Let us know if you have any questions about life in the U.S. before you make your decision.

Follow the steps below to complete the admission process. We're excited to welcome you!

Our exchange partners:

  • Universidad Estadual de Santa Cruz, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil
  • Zagreb School of Economics and Management, Zagreb, Croatia
  • Kansai Gaidai University, Hirakata City, Japan
  • 通识与管理教育基金会,印度浦那

Important Dates

  • May 1: All admission documents due for August admission.
  • October 1: All admission documents due for January admission.
Step 1

If you're ready to start your journey to St. Ambrose, 与你所在大学的交换或国际办公室联系,申请交换项目.

Step 2


  1. Application for exchange student admission. 请注意,如果您没有社会安全号码,您可以将该字段留空.
  2. Letter of nomination from your home institution.
  3. Copy of your home university transcripts.
  4. Evidence of proficiency in English: TOEFL (70) or IELTS (5.5)成绩单或来自你所在大学的证明你学术英语能力的信.
  5. A copy of your passport including photo page.
Step 3


如果你被录取,一份个性化的财务声明表格将通过电子邮件发送给你. 作为交换学生,你将获得学费减免. However, 你需要证明你有能力支付住房费用, food, books, insurance, and all personal expenses while you are here.

财务报表应连同证明文件一并退还给我们, such as bank statements.

Step 4

Congratulations! You have completed the admission process. 我们会给你发一封欢迎邮件和一封录取信,其中包括DS-2019表格, which you'll need for your visa interview.

Now visit our accepted student site, and start planning your trip!

So, what's next?

Are you ready to take the next step? 点击下面的访问按钮,了解更多竞技宝app下载的虚拟和亲自访问选项.